What if masculinity was soft, tender and vulnerable? What if our male reflection could be something inspirational and approachable as opposed to threatening and confined? What are the contemporary archetypes of masculinity and how can they be challenged in order to represent a different perspective?

These are just a few of the questions I hope to provoke among viewers. I want to suggest a moment of pause and positive reflection, among audience members. Each piece conveys a gentle beauty with a sense of stillness and calm, antithetical to historical perspectives of masculinity. The subjects in this body of work explore these ideas and embrace the notion of vulnerability.

Contemporary audiences are inundated by fleeting digital media. This complement of tangible, space-specific installation in partnership with wall works is intended to slow the process of looking outward. The works begin by exploring the prolificness of self-representation on platforms like Instagram. Through the creative process, an inversion occurs whereby the creative product demands a deceleration. Finally, the viewer reconsiders what it is to be masculine today.

Documentation: Allan Kosmajac