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Artist Bio
Jimmy Limit
Jimmy Limit is a photo-based artist working in installation, ceramics and sculpture. He has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions throughout Canada and the United States including Albright Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, Temnikova & Kasela, Tallinn Estonia, Rodman Hall St. Catharines, Clint Roenisch Gallery, Toronto and Printed Matter, NYC. His work has been published in The New York Times, Frieze Magazine and has been featured on the covers of C Magazine and cura. Recent public works have included Photos for a Project in Progress at the Bentway in Toronto and Photos for Vacant Storefronts, for CAFKA16 in Kitchener, ON. He was born in Toronto and currently lives and works in St. Catharines, ON with his partner and three children.
The artist acknowledges OAC exhibition assistance.
Documentation by: Allan Kosmajac