Between art and Vernacular: ‘CV’ by David Court
September 29, 2017

Known for his authorial attitude towards his art, Canadian artist David Court is currently exhibiting his works at the YYZ Artists’ Outlet in Toronto. The exhibition, titled ‘CV’ will run until early December.

David Court’s work lacks a reliable methodology, operating instead through responsiveness—to institutional protocols, architectural contexts, curatorial frameworks, and theoretical discourse. These considerations operate alongside a form of authorship that self-consciously seeks to address the dramas of the institution and practice of art, on the level of narration, organization, and display. Scattered fragments of material (texts, images, and objects) are gathered into uncertain theatrical patterns of style and expression. This work dwells on various dysphoric effects of contemporary life—states of alienation, suspension, and impasse—as they manifest in artistic practice and material culture. This method reflects an emphasis on the in-between, working on the edge between art and vernacular contexts.

Court was born in Halifax, Canada. His recent exhibitions include the Flux Factory in New York, the Convenience Gallery in Toronto, and a public commission for the Toronto Sculpture Garden. In 2008 he participated in a residency at the Banff Center, Canada and also wrote several reviews, journals and catalog texts. He currently living and working in Ulster County, New York.

Source: Between art and Vernacular: ‘CV’ by David Court at YYZ Artists’ Outlet, Toronto | BLOUIN ARTINFO